What is oral cancer
Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, can be any number of cancers. These can affect your:
Roof or floor of the mouth
When detected early enough, the survival rate for oral cancers is as high as 90%, which is why it’s so important to not just keep an eye out for any potential signs yourself but to be seen by a professional who knows what to look for.

What are the common symptoms of oral cancer
Mouth cancer can be hard to spot in the early stages, but becomes more obvious with noticeable symptoms as it spreads. These are some of the common symptoms of oral cancer:
Sores around your lips or mouth that won’t heal
Lumps inside your mouth
General pain somewhere in your mouth
Pain when swallowing
Red or white patches inside your mouth
Loose teeth
Just because you have some of these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean you have mouth cancer, as they can be caused by several reasons. However, if your dentist spots any of these symptoms and cannot be sure of their cause (such as loose teeth due to periodontitis), they may refer you to a specialist to have a biopsy and rule out cancer as a cause.
During your dental appointment, your dentist will be on the lookout for any of the visual symptoms and warning signs of mouth cancer.

Detect mouth cancer early with an oral cancer screening
Our dental practitioners perform oral cancer checks at each examination.
The check aims to find any signs of cancer in your mouth early, so necessary medical treatment can begin as soon as possible. During each examination, your dentist will look for any changes in your soft tissues such as the tongue, floor of mouth, lips, and cheeks.
If you have any unusual lumps or lesions in your mouth that have been there for more than two weeks or have had difficulty swallowing during this time, tell your dentist so they can take a closer look.
Make sure you keep your regular dental check-ups so that you frequently have a professional look for any potential warning signs.